Daphne Mcormack: Water Habitats

Grade level:  K-3

Art Form: Painting

Lesson length time: Half day

Lesson Objective

Daphne McCormack is an illustrator, painter, muralist and art educator. Her concern for the natural world, especially the turtle and our fresh water areas, are a common theme in her work. In this lesson, children are asked to share their knowledge of water habitats while learning to express their ideas through warm and cool colours, patterns, textures and line. Students will also be making stencils and creating shapes from their own designs.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • develop decision-making skills and problem solving (both individually and with others)

  • develop methods of symbolic communication and initiate sensory development

  • be thoroughly involved in the whole artistic process. Demonstrating an awareness of themselves as artists.

  • learn about a local artist and their art

  • have an opportunity to explore with materials and concepts

  • be encouraged to create art in a comfortable and supportive environment

  • apply critical thinking skills in their analysis of art work and creation of their own art work

Curriculum Connections

  • Visual Arts, Science and Technology (Understanding Life Systems), Mathematics (Patterning and Algebra, Geometry and Spatial Sense

All Programmes

Benny Bing: Colour Expressive Portrait Painting (3-8)

Graven Feather Studios: Relief/Block Printmaking (K-5)

Charles Pachter:  “Me” Pattern Paintings (K-3)

Group of Seven: Landscape Painting (3-8)

Katrina Schaman Whimsical Animals in Whimsical Landscapes: Mixed Media Collage (K-8)

Richard Ahnert: Mixed Media Animal/Human Portraits (4-8)

Arthur Shilling: Expressionist Portrait Painting (3-8)

Liz Pead: Fabric Collage Painting (1-8)

Shawn Skeir African Mask Portraits: Mixed Media Collage (K-8)

Painters Eleven: Abstract Expressionism
“Painting out my Feelings” (K-4)

Tonya Hart: Arctic Animals (K-6)

Chris Walsh: 3D “Map Sculptures” (1-5)

Meera Sethi: Hybrid Identity Fashion Design (2-8)

Joyce Wieland: Quilting (1-6)

Urban Street Artists: Graffiti Tags (5-8)

Daphne Mcormack: Water Habitats (K-5)